For preventing the spread of epidemics such as the coronavirus disease COVID-19, social distancing and the isolation of infected persons are crucial. However, existing reaction-diffusion equations for epidemic spreading are incapable of describing these
Indeed, this matrix inversion operation is sufficiently expensive that, in our experience, AI-Hilbert was unable to perform scientific discovery tasks with more than n = 15 variables and a constraint on the degree of the certificates searched over of d = 20 or greater (in general, ...
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Supplementary Table 13 shows the ability of WGS to detect variants using the panel as a truth set (n = 170 tumors). WGS had a limited ability to detect variants of low VAF compared to the panel (5% limit of detection). These approaches were more concordant when the panel ‘truth ...
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error of the mean,n = 3 independent 1D simulations, with 216–218 DSB events per simulation. LEF separation of 125 kb and boundary strength of 0.5 were used. Full size image Second, we considered having a subpopulation of very long-lived LEFs (Fig.4b, top panel and Supplementary ...
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Consciousness is a multidimensional phenomenon, but key dimensions such as awareness and wakefulness have been described conceptually rather than neurobiologically. We hypothesize that dimensions of consciousness are encoded in multiple neurofunctional d