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The white dash line in f marks D/ε0 = -0.4V/nm. Extended Data Fig. 2 Single-particle band gaps in the 0.98°-device. a, Optical microscope image of the 0.98°-device. b, Schematic of device structure. c, Single-particle gaps at n=0, n=±ns and n=±3ns with respect to ...
Trauma can affect any individual at any location and at any time over a lifespan. The disruption of macrobarriers and microbarriers induces instant activation of innate immunity. The subsequent complex response, designed to limit further damage and induce healing, also represents a major driver of ...
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1b, with geometric parameters being d = 116 nm, A = 2965 nm, F1 = 0.351, F2 = 0.651, and N = 8. The refractive indexes of the background medium and silicon gratings are set as nb = 1.45 and nSi = 3.438. We find that several moiré bands ...
stheno (plantations, arable land), and N. leisleri (pastureland). These species may be more important as spillover hosts considering that these modified landscapes have a higher opportunity for human-wildlife contact and are known to have heightened diversity of other zoonotic disease hosts84. ...
(Ascomycota)27. More than 80% of sequences are from Actinobacteria, followed by Proteobacteria and Firmicutes. One sequence with X as the initial amino acid was excluded in subsequent analyses. Using the DASH option of the MAFFT online server, 1408 IRED sequences and 18 outgroup sequences were...
Urban areas are the largest source of pollutants that directly or indirectly will end up in the air, soil, and water. It is paramount to find solutions to reduce the impact of pollution on climate change, ecosystem services, biodiversity loss, and human
Inset is the corresponding height profile taken along the dash line. The thickness of ~1.7 nm corresponding to one unit cell along the [111] direction can be determined. Scale bar: 2 μm. g Cross-sectional HAADF-STEM image of 1-unit-cell CFO nanosheet, which shows an expanded out-...
Additionally, in the Results, we present the interaction strengths with the aggregated best estimates, while the 80% CI for Δy caused by Δx can be found in Supplementary Table 4.2. Limitations of expert knowledge elicitation Both laypeople and experts are sensitive to subjective biases83,84. ...