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尽管Wagner-Meerwein反应历史悠久,且与化学合成和生物合成密切相关,但利用Wagner-Meerwein反应实现纯脂肪烃的不对称催化还一直未有报道。近日,美国加利福尼亚大学Davis分校(University of California,Davis)Dean J. Tantillo课题组和2021年化学诺奖得主、德国马克斯·普朗克煤炭研究所(Max Planck Institut für Kohlenforschung)...
Nature volume 635, pages 719–727 (2024)Cite this article 6150 Accesses 27 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Prokaryotic anti-phage immune systems use TIR and cGAS-like enzymes to produce 1′′-3′-glycocyclic ADP-ribose (1′′-3′-gcADPR) and cyclic dinucleotide (CDN) and cyclic ...
Nature Reviews Genetics (2024) Apicobasal RNA asymmetries regulate cell fate in the early mouse embryo Azelle Hawdon Niall D. Geoghegan Jennifer Zenker Nature Communications (2023) Co-crystal structures of the fluorogenic aptamer Beetroot show that close homology may not predict similar RNA architectu...
Plant cells build nanofibrillar walls that are central to plant growth, morphogenesis and mechanics. Starting from simple sugars, three groups of polysaccharides, namely, cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectins, with very different physical properties are
刚刚,自然指数官网更新了最新的自然指数排名(统计时间节点为2022.9.1-2023.8.31)。排名结果显示,中国科学技术大学位居全球第2、内地第1。 自然指数(Nature Index)于2014年11月首次发布,是依托于全球100多种顶级期刊,统计各高校、科研院所(国家)在国际上最具影响力的研究型学术期刊上发表论文数量的数据库。运用这个...
Article 27 June 2024 Phosphatidylserine is a global immunosuppressive signal in efferocytosis, infectious disease, and cancer Article Open access 26 February 2016 References Boada-Romero, E., Martinez, J., Heckmann, B. L. & Green, D. R. The clearance of dead cells by efferocytosis. Nat....
74. Markose, S., Giansante, S. & Shaghaghi, A. R. A systemic risk assessment of otc derivatives reforms and skin-in-the-game for CCPs. Bank of France https://publications.banque-france.fr/sites/default/files/medias/documents/fsr21_web.pdf#page=111 (2017). 75. Duffie, D. & Zhu,...
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