As animals explore an environment, the hippocampus is thought to automatically form and maintain a place code by combining sensory and self-motion signals. Instead, we observed an extensive degradation of the place code when mice voluntarily disengaged f
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No.15 2023年11月30日刊︱群星失色 “蓝行者3号”卫星的高光学波段亮度 地面天文学遇到了一个挑战:发射到近地轨道的人造卫星已经变得比夜空里能看到的大多数恒星更亮了。在本期Nature中,Sangeetha Nandakumar和同事报道了对“蓝行者3号”(BlueWalker 3)...
《自然》624, 22-25 (2023) doi: 引用: Philip Ball is a science writer in London. 1. Khan, A. I., Shah, J. L. & Bhat, M. M. Comput. Methods Prog. Biomed. 196, 105581 (2020). ...
2023, Environmental Science and Ecotechnology Show abstract On the degradation of (micro)plastics: Degradation methods, influencing factors, environmental impacts 2022, Science of the Total Environment Show abstract Micro (nano) plastic pollution: The ecological influence on soil-plant system and human he...