Nature Communications volume 14, Article number: 6316 (2023) Cite this article 10k Accesses 13 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Cell cycle transitions result from global changes in protein phosphorylation states triggered by cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs). To understand how this complexity produces ...
ancient), an archaeon; N.L. neut. n.Lokiarchaeum, an archaeon named after Loki, a god in Norse mythology).ossiferum(’fe.rum. L. neut. pl. n.ossa, skeleton; L. v.fero, to carry; N.L. neut. adj.ossiferum, skeleton-carrying). The name describes a skeleton...
B., Kundu, N. et al. Molecular mechanics underlying flat-to-round membrane budding in live secretory cells. Nat Commun 13, 3697 (2022). XZ plane images of PHG(green) and dynamin-mTFP1 (red) showing dynamin puncta flanked and moved with...
Article Open access 20 November 2023 References WHO Coronavirus (COVID-19) Dashboard. World Health Organization (2021). Yan, Y. et al. The first 75 days of novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) outbreak: recent advances, prevention, and treatment. Int. J. Environ....
in each trait, respectively. Sample sizes used to derive the estimates of SNP-based heritability and pairwise genetic correlation of PSC in each trait are shown in Supplementary Data1. The dashboard for visualizing the results from LDSR was created using Tableau Desktop software (version 2022.2)...