参考文献:[1] DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cell.2022.02.004. https://www.cell.com/cell/issue?pii=S0092-8674(21)X0007-4 [2] Cagan, A., Baez-Ortega, A., Brzozowska, N. et al. Somatic mutation rates scale with lifespan across mammals. Nature 604, 517–524 (2022). https:/...
本期“学术快报”推送期刊:Nature。 最新一期Nature(VOLUME 604 ISSUE 7905, 14 APRIL 2022)的文献索引信息见下方Contents。 NATURE 刊次:Volume 604 Issue 7905, 14 April 2022 ISSN:0028-0836 / 1476-4687 出版机构:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP 2015年12月通过的巴黎气候协议见证了世界各国承诺将全球变暖限制在比工业...
长着彩色羽毛的翼龙 2022年4月28日, 604卷7905期, 684–688页 封面图片:Bob Nicholls for the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences 封面所示为皇帝雷神翼龙( Tupandactylus imperator )的艺术想象图。虽然之前也报道过长羽毛的翼龙,但这些结论一直富有争议;这些长着皮膜双翼的飞行爬行动物是否像现代鸟类一样...
Nature volume 604, pages 468–473 (2022)Cite this article 20k Accesses 148 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Many-body interactions between carriers lie at the heart of correlated physics. The ability to tune such interactions would allow the possibility to access and control complex electronic ...
Nature volume 604, pages 59–64 (2022)Cite this article 24k Accesses 84 Altmetric Metrics details Abstract Electronic nematicity, in which rotational symmetry is spontaneously broken by electronic degrees of freedom, has been demonstrated as a ubiquitous phenomenon in correlated quantum fluids including ...
2022 上半年 Cell/Nature/Science 精彩封面故事速览 (以下封面故事以时间顺序排列) 01·Cell:减肥新策略:局部热疗激活米色脂肪 人体内有三种脂肪——白色、棕色和米色脂肪。米色脂肪是其他两种脂肪间的一个“中间态”,平时与白色脂肪一起储存能量,在一定条件下可以被激活而变成棕色脂肪,促进产热和能量消耗。
https://www.nature.com/nature/volumes/604/issues/7906 [3] Ritter AT, Shtengel G, Xu CS, et al. ESCRT-mediated membrane repair protects tumor-derived cells against T cell attack. Science. 2022;376(6591):377-382. doi:10.1126/science.abl3855 ...
NATURE 刊次:Volume 604 Issue 7906, 21 April 2022 ISSN:0028-0836 / 1476-4687 出版机构:NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP 细胞在整个生命过程中都会发生突变,这一过程会导致癌症,并被认为会导致衰老。然而,关于突变在人类以外的物种中积累的速度,以及这种速度是否受寿命或体型等生物学特征的影响,我们知之甚少。在本周的...
(编译自Insitu recording of Mars soundscape Nature Vol.604,Issue7904,01April.2022) 扫码阅读全文 08 W玻色子质量的最精确测量,显示其超出标准模型预测值,或指向全新物理学理论 “标准模型”StandardModel(简称SM)是一套描述强力、弱...
(编译自Globalseasonal forecasts of marine heatwaves.Nature vol.604,P.486–49020Apr. 2022) 扫码阅读全文 07 3D打印技术再获突破:无需逐层构建 近年来,3D打印技术在各个领域得到广泛应用。虽然3D打印的产物是三维的,但目前的3D打印...