Nature:俄乌冲突袭击爆炸地震学监测 人们通常利用地震仪探测各种不同的地震,包含区域或全球范围的爆炸信息,因此也可用于探测军事冲突中的袭击爆炸 (Carmichael, 2021; Gibbons et al., 2017; Pilger, 2021)。但是,军事袭击不像地震,其能量较低,要求地震仪等传感器网络...
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Excessive fat deposition in obesity has a multifactorial aetiology, but is widely considered the result of disequilibrium between energy intake and expenditure. Despite specific public health policies and individual treatment efforts to combat the obesity epidemic, >2 billion people worldwide are overweight...
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Nature volume 589, pages 586–590 (2021)Cite this article 26k Accesses 104 Citations 86 Altmetric Metrics details This article has been updatedAbstract Legumes, unlike other plants, have the ability to establish symbiosis with nitrogen-fixing rhizobia. It has been theorized that a unique property...
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