Animals make predictions to guide their behavior and update those predictions through experience. Transient increases in dopamine (DA) are thought to be critical signals for updating predictions. However, it is unclear how this mechanism handles a wide r
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1.Sverdlik, A., Hall, N. C., McAlpine, L. & Hubbard, K. Int. J. Dr Stud. 13, 361–388 (2018). 2.Nature 575, 403-406 (2019).doi: 10.1038/d41586-019-03459-7 想要及时获得更多内容可关注“医咖会”微信公众号和网站:传播研究进展,探讨临床研究设计与医学统计学方法)...
4. Yang Z#, Zhang Lilan#, Yu X, Wu S, Yang Y, Hu Y, Li Q, Shang N, Guo RT, Chen CC, Dai L*, Liu W*. (2019) Crystal structure of TchmY from Actinoplanes teichomyceticus. Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology Communications 75, 570–575. ...
Weirong Liu, Jonas Cremer, Dengjin Li, Terence Hwa & Chenli Liu. An evolutionarily stable strategy to colonize spatially extended habitats. Nature. 2019, 575: 664-668. doi:10.1038/s41586-019-1734-x 腾讯新闻:先进院合成所刘陈立团队发现空间扩展生境定殖的进化稳定性策略
4. Yang Z#, Zhang Lilan#, Yu X, Wu S, Yang Y, Hu Y, Li Q, Shang N, Guo RT, Chen CC, Dai L*, Liu W*. (2019) Crystal structure of TchmY from Actinoplanes teichomyceticus. Acta Crystallographica Section F Structural Biology Communications 75, 570–575. ...
参考文献: 1.Sverdlik, A., Hall, N. C., McAlpine, L. & Hubbard, K. Int. J. Dr Stud. 13, 361–388 (2018). 2.Nature 575, 403-406 (2019).doi: 10.1038/d41586-019-03459-7
Pt-decorated metal organic framework@gold nanoparticles Octahedral 203.5 nm−15.6 mV 808 nm1.5 W cm-2 = ∼575 min38.55 % Cancer PDT and PTT; fluorescence (FL), multispectral optoacoustic tomography (MSOT) imaging, X-ray computed tomography (CT) scan, MRI -The...