Plasmids are small DNA molecules that enable bacteria to share beneficial traits, influencing microbial communities. However, their role within the human gut microbiome remains largely unknown. In this study, we investigate the gut microbiomes of 34 moth
The global demand for data storage and processing has increased exponentially in recent decades. To respond to this demand, research efforts have been devoted to the development of non-volatile memory and neuro-inspired computing technologies. Chalcogeni
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Redesigning the European food system on the basis of circularity principles could bring environmental benefits for Europe and the world. Here we deploy a biophysical optimization model to explore the effects of adopting three circularity scenarios in the
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& Dash, J. Target guided synthesis using DNA nano-templates for selectively assembling a G-quadruplex binding c-MYC inhibitor. Nat. Commun. 8, 16103 (2017). CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Harbor, C. S., Dang, C. V. & Eisenman, R. N. Myc and the pathway to cancer (...
Urban areas are the largest source of pollutants that directly or indirectly will end up in the air, soil, and water. It is paramount to find solutions to reduce the impact of pollution on climate change, ecosystem services, biodiversity loss, and human
In 2018, images were released of a planet being formed around the star PDS 70, offering a tantalizing glimpse into how planets come into being. However, many questions remain about how dust evolves into planets, and astrophysical observations are unable
(n = 6 donors).dFrequency of IFN-γ+TNF+CD8+T cells after restimulation with HLA-B*35:01-restricted pool E, F, G and individual HLA-B*35:01 IBV peptides (n = 6 donors). Median and interquartile range (IQR) are shown. DMSO background was subtracted. Source data are ...
In the fishtank study, subjects (N = 1750) were asked to describe what they saw in a fishtank scene (the static image in Figure 17). Figure 17. Describe what you see... [83]. Responses established the baseline data. Then subjects (N = 350) were exposed to a less than one-minute...