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Coppery Emerald ___ (D:26) (P:364) MD(very rare) NC(rare) NJ(very rare,south) VA(very rare) Somatochlora geogiana Prior to the 1970s, the Coppery Emerald was known to occur only in the southeastern US. Subsequently, several populations have been found in eastern Massachusetts, south...
物理系统在对称与对称性破缺之间,平衡与非平衡之间,互易与非互易之间,仿佛交织着一首二重奏鸣曲,导致种种奇妙的物态涌现和相变。这些物理系统的非互易性作用和相变,能否推广到更复杂的宏观系统,比如生物的集群现象、神经元网络的同步、斑图形成?近期发表在 Nature 上的论文“Non-reciprocal phase transitions”基于序参...
4. Chan, D. A. & Giaccia, A. J. Harnessing synthetic lethal interactions in anticancer drug discovery.Nat. Rev. Drug Discov.10, 351–364 (2011). 5. Swanson, C., Saintigny, Y., Emond, M. J. & Monnat, R. J. Jr. The Werner syndrome protein has separable recombination and surviva...
Recognizing nature and the environment as sociocultural constructions is critical to enhancing a transformational ecological change. This involves understanding their diverse sociocultural meanings and societal approaches and how these understandings aff
$475,000 4bed 3bath 2,032sqft2,032 square feet 7,971sqft lot7,971 square foot lot 9352 Via San Giovani St Fort Myers, FL 33905 Property detail for 10028 Via San Marco Loop Fort Myers, FL 33905 For Sale $629,900 4bed 3bath 2,657sqft2,657 square feet 9,801sqft lot9,80...
美文欣赏 晨曦是我的亚述古国; 日落和明月是我梦想中怕弗仙境;正午是我感觉与理解中是英格兰;夜晚是我神秘哲思与梦境的德意志。The Beauty of NatureNature satisfies by its loveliness,and without any mixtu
Navin, N. et al. Tumour evolution inferred by single-cell sequencing.Nature472, 90–94 (2011). ArticleADSCASPubMedPubMed CentralGoogle Scholar Szerlip, N. J. et al. Intratumoral heterogeneity of receptor tyrosine kinases EGFR and PDGFRA amplification in glioblastoma defines subpopulations with dist...
Life is an inordinately complex unsolved puzzle. Despite significant theoretical progress, experimental anomalies, paradoxes, and enigmas have revealed paradigmatic limitations. Thus, the advancement of scientific understanding requires new models that r