State of NatureSocial ContractIlluminationLockeHobbesSovereigntyDemocracyPopular WillGovernmentThis article analyses the main arguments developed by the British philosopher and politician Edmund Burke in the eighteenth century, against the ideas on a suppFigueroa, Dante...
Derecho y evoluciónLa naturaleza humana y la función adaptativa del comportamiento normativo, ArtículoThe objective this article is to offer a critical (re)interpretation of genesis and evolution, object and purpose, as well as useful qualified methods for interpreting, justifying and applying ...
La naturaleza como sujeto de derechos: transformaciones del derecho para responder a sociedades pluriétnicas o a cambios en la ontología occidental?doi:10.18601/01229893.n54.03COLOMBIAARGENTINAWESTERN societyTECHNOLOGICAL innovationsINDIGENOUS peoples...