使用Wood Sealer前,需确保木材表面干净、干燥且无油污。具体施工步骤如下: 准备工具:根据Wood Sealer的类型选择合适的刷子、滚筒或喷枪等施工工具。 搅拌均匀:使用前将Wood Sealer充分搅拌均匀,以确保涂料性能的一致性。 涂刷底漆:采用均匀、薄涂的方式,将Wood Sealer涂刷于木材表面。注意避免...
Just to be safe, avoid any laminate/wood floor products that say ‘shine’ on it. Hope this helps. Sarah Thanks for the helpful tips, Patty! Much appreciated Jessica I have the same problem!!! The streaks drive me bonkers!! As soon as the cleaner out of my wet jet is gone I ...