While people experience at least somewhat high levels of cortisol at one time or another during very stressful episodes (such as a job loss, family crisis or major change), rates of Cushing’s disease diagnoses are still very low compared to other hormonal/endocrine conditions, like thyroid diso...
If you try talking to your doctor about it,you’ll often be humored and told to “eat less and exercise more.”Insist on having your thyroid levels checked, your physician will reluctantly order a thyroid blood test. Almost predictably, when it comes back it’ll say the thyroid is normal....
Your thyroid gland is dependent upon iodine. Without proper amounts of iodine, your thyroid gland quits working and you become hypothyroid. Eliminate weight gain, brain fog, hair loss, dry skin and 100 other symptoms by supplementing with iodine.
Your thyroid gland is dependent upon iodine. Without proper amounts of iodine, your thyroid gland quits working and you become hypothyroid. Eliminate weight gain, brain fog, hair loss, dry skin and 100 other symptoms by supplementing with iodine.
Robinson: Empowering women to put their health first through nutrition Study: Doctors Should Recommend More Plants, Less Meat For Chronic Disease I’m a memory expert – here are the bad habits which could be damaging your brain health (and 9 ways to change them for good!) Health experts on...
”If you insist on having your thyroid levels checked, your physician will reluctantly order a thyroid blood test. Of course, when it comes back it’ll say you don't have hypothyroidism - your thyroid is normal. You’ll then be told it’s “all in your head” and all to often be ...
Immune function. Estrogens act to increase the body's immune response, while progesterone decreases it. Testosterone may help protect against autoimmune disorders.13 Hormone levels fluctuate throughout the life cycle and can be exaggerated by some medical conditions. Events that are associated with horm...
“Some sexually transmitted parasites, such asT. gondii, may produce changes in the appearance and behavior of the human host, either as a by-product of the infection or as the result of the manipulation of the parasite to increase its spread to new hosts.” ...
How to Increase Progesterone Naturally Though no foods contain progesterone, the following micro-nutrients can provide the environment needed to support your body to boost progesterone levels: Vitamin C Research shows that vitamin C can help boost progesterone levels and correct luteal phase issues. Goo...
True health is to live at the peaks, to explore the heights of wellbeing - physically, emotionally and spiritually. To forge the deep connections between the mind, the body & the spirit.