As for behavioral treatment, patients are trained to improve their ability to control and thereby disrupt or inhibit detrusor contraction. Pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) could help inhibit pelvic floor contraction on the detrusor, therefore, ameliorating urgency and urge-related incontinence [99]....
Although the causes of back pain are usually physical, it is important to know that emotional stress can play a role in how severe pain is and how long it lasts. Stress can affect the body in many ways, including causing back muscles to become tense and painful. In the early stage of ...
Your doctor may prescribe chlorpheniramine to improve muscle tone and keep the neck of your bladder closed during ejaculation. You can also perform pelvic floor strengthening exercises like Kegel exercises. These exercises can improve the control of your ejaculation reflex. Discuss with your healthcare ...
Achieving a healthy weight can help control symptoms of menopause, like hot flashes and urinary incontinence.34 Other supportive strategies to complement traditional HRT or NHRT include: Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Recommended by the North American Menopause Society, CBT has been shown to impr...
You can care for your mental health in numerous ways. First, stay in touch with family and friends as they offer a sense of belonging, improve mood, and boost wellbeing. Second, although stress is a part of life, find ways to destress, such as meditation, calling a support person, spe...
I have had the scalding on his hind legs under control until the flies this summer, what can I do for the scalding on his hind legs, any supplement that I can give him or salve that I can apply? Anything that you recommend that I can give him for the incontinence?
When these muscles are weak due to prostate cancer surgery, for example, incontinence from urine and feces may increase. This is also a non-invasive treatment for health problems in men with impotence or erectile dysfunction. Stress It is well known that stress has a significant effect on you...
5. The active ingredient in a number of internally-taken preparations intended to reduce odors associated with incontinence,colostomies and similar procedures, as well as body odor in general.6. Sodium copper chlorophyllinhas strong antibacterial action, which makes it us...
There are many different ways to treat this hormone imbalance. In the past, synthetic hormones such as Premarin, which is taken from horse urine, was widely used but the correlation with breast cancer make more clinicians stay away from synthetic hormones. Bio-identical hormones are not taken...
the common ways to address the tedium that tends to accompany prolonged typing or reading. Many media players can access streams all around the world and let you control precisely which genres of music come out of your computer speakers. ...