One way to keep a cat away from an area is to make the cat think that there is danger in that area. One way to do this would be to put a coyote or a fox in the yard. Since that might be difficult, the next best thing is to put the urine from a coyote or a fox in the ...
I have done that, but haven’t found it to be as effective as dropping it directly on my dog’s back. Cats can be very sensitive to essential oils so we have to more cautious with them. I’m still trying to find a good natural way to repel ticks and fleas for my cats and I’...
This is very similar to the flea comb for dogs, and while some cats may find the scent of citrus unappealing, the way this is prepared can lessen the intensity of the smell to their sensitive noses (but not to the fleas) because you don’t use straight lemon juice. Fleas hate the ove...
I’m just so happy that I don’t have to put Frontline on my dog and that I found something completely natural that costs way less than Frontline AND that really works for both me and my dog! (and it smells really, really good!) HERE’Sthe kind I bought (I figure that this bottle...
I think not. I posted over atBathtimelast week with some facts about why those “poisons” can be really bad for your pet, research, and ideas for a new, natural alternative in my mission to repel fleas.Check it out, if you missed it. What i came up with is an oil based concoction...
Hope this might spark someone to raise their garden, if for no other reason it is less back breaking to have it that way. Good luck! 5 Reply Abay Reply to Kit Loft 3 years ago Can you please post a pic of your raised garden? 0 Reply Linda Gilliss Fenerty Reply to Abay 2...
I’ve caught several spiders this way. Have lighter-colored walls and floors Reduce clutter – spiders love things under beds and corners of the rooms. You will for sure find spiders in a cluttered home. Clean and dust on a regular basis Not only is it possible to repel spiders without...
Actually, most of our products belong to dangerous cargo, samples are alwayshard to be sent out from China but we have legal way out already to sendsamples to clients 3.Is the sample free?Yes, we can provide sample tree in certain quantit...
Take note that cumin has a powerful aroma and one of the herbs that repel ants. Some would have a pungent scent that’s a little less appealing, which is sometimes compared to the smell of sweat or body odor. There’s another variant of cumin called black cumin which is way expensive....
Fleas and ticks are common pests that are not only annoying, but they can also be outright dangerous for pets and their owners. The hot summer months mean dogs and cats will spend more time outdoors with their owners, resulting in increased exposure to p