In some cases, there are individuals who genuinely need this type of medication to get out of the darkness. The natural depression cures are insufficient for them to get to a point where they can do the uncomfortable internal and lifestyle work that is required to beat depression permanently. ...
Complementary and alternative approaches to depression include massage, acupuncture, yoga, and listening to music. Learn more from WebMD about the power of these practices to lift one's mood.
Catnip is a unique herbal remedy for depression and anxiety. Like valerian, catnip acts as a sedative that helps to relieve some symptoms of depression and anxiety like stomach cramps, spasms, and irritations. In those with severe anxiety, catnip eases muscle tension and stress, improves appetite...
HERBAL medicineSERIAL publicationsMENTAL depressionCHINESE medicineTHERAPEUTICSDepression is a mental health disorder, which varies from mild to severe changes in mood and affects physical, mental, and behavioral health. Recent evidence indicates that depressive disorders may represent an in...
What are the Treatment Options for POP?Surgery is commonly recommended for pelvic organ prolapse. However, the surgery's success rate is not as high as one might hope and surgery is sometimes needed again after several years. Even with surgery, a woman needs to be careful not the have the...
●Conservative surgical therapy: this type of treatment involves a myomectomy, which removes the fibroids but leaves the uterus intact so that a woman can still get pregnant. But there are some risks involved such as damage to the pelvic tissue during the procedure, which might still impair a ...
Even though vitamins claim to improve health, many cancer doctors (oncologists) say you should avoid most of them while you’re in treatment. St. John’s wort, often used for depression, can cause some anticancer drugs to not work as well as they should. Antioxidant pills likevitamin E,vi...
oil is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are considered very helpful in the treatment of bipolar disorder. If you have abipolar disorder, you must make it a point to eat fish daily.Fish oil helps to improve the functioning of your brain and treats mood swings as well as depression. ...
often characterized by abdominal pain and discomfort. Today, IBS affects between 25 and 45 million people in the United States, with symptoms ranging from mild to severe. (1) Fortunately, learning more about IBS symptoms and treatment may help you find a natural remedy that works to soothe you...
The most effective treatment for hot flashes is estrogen. However, the risks and benefits of this therapy must be carefully considered by a woman and her physician. Other prescription medications, including SSRIs and SNRIs, may also be effective in relieving hot flashes. Non-prescription products...