toughnessWith the rapid development of aerospace,national defense technology,and biological hard-tissue repair,engineers and scientists always aim at the design and manufacture of composites with higher stiffness,viscoelasticity,strength,and toughness,but unfortunately,these properties-stiffness/visco elasticity ...
the outer enamel, dentine, the middle part that shields the vital part of the tooth, and the inner part of the tooth; the soft dental pulp. Previous research has found that the drug Tideglusib could help protect the inner layer by stimulating the production of the middle layer (dentine)...
Hydrated silica, another amazing ingredient, is a natural abrasive that works to remove tooth stains and clean the teeth. Unlike charcoal and other harsh ingredients, hydrated silica won’t damage tooth enamel. Essential Oils in Toothpaste Replace artificial chemicals with pure essential oils, which ...
10. Using Bentonite Clay One of the best alternatives to toothpaste is bentonite clay. Bentonite clay supports tooth mineralization because of its minerals. Besides, it can combat gum disease and freshen your breath since it has detoxifying properties. You can use white clay on the teeth to make...
ligament and cementum, ultimately results in tooth loss leading to functional and aesthetic repercussions. Various treatment modalities (surgical and non-surgical) have been investigated to try repair/regenerate periodontal tissues damaged or lost due to disease. In an attempt to achieve periodontal ...
So long as the ACV is organic ACV that contains the "Mother" element you are doing a good thing for your body. One downfall is the wear of tooth enamel so make sure always to dilute with water. Reply2 Replied by Jerry (Oregon) ...
I used ACV a couple years ago for a toothache! I had a cracked tooth that was causing intense pain. I swished a TBS of ACV every couple hours until I could get to the dentist to repair my tooth. It was amazing how well it worked to relieve the pain!
Cellgevity 1 X 120 Caps 1 Natural & Organic Cellgevity is a natural supplement that can help you keep your skin healthy and youthful. It contains an antioxidant, glutathione, which we need to maintain a healthy and youthful appearance. With Cellgevity, all of your skin-related concerns will...
Fluorideis a trace element that is concentrated inmineralized tissuessuch as bone andtooth enamel. Epidemiologic surveys demonstrated a close correlation of fluoride concentrations in water with rates of dental caries, and waterfluoridationbegan as a public health measure in the United States in the mi...
In cases where a tooth is not severely damaged, and would be ready to receive a partial restoration, but an intra-oral repair is impossible due to access problems, or a reverse root canal treatment is required, an alternative method is the intentional re-implantation. The tooth is extracted,...