For me giving her Voltaren is a crime, so we were on soft pain killers, Rosemary inhalation etc. Then at one moment I saw the disconnection in her eyes, like she was drowning...alone. I knew then that this was not something we are used to. The ENT specialist was first to mention ...
Dr Mazza is a highly regarded thyroid specialist who utilizes a comprehensive, integrative approach to treating complex thyroid issues. About the Expert Angela D. Mazza, DO, ABAARM, FAAMFM, ECNU, is triple board-certified and a renowned thyroid specialist. She is founder of the Metabolic Center...
Most autistic children I know have several food allergies in addition to milk and wheat, and nearly all the parents in our group have or had at least one immune-related problem: thyroid disease, Crohn's disease, celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, or ...
I was told I had acute mono, and there was nothing else they could do for me, so removed the IV, and sent me home, at which time I could not stand on my own, or walk without a walker. After about two weeks, I was taken to my Functional Medicine Doctor, who did “muscle testin...
Mild hypothyroidism, or very low thyroid hormones, occurs in 3-8% of people and is especially prevalent in women over 55. Remedy with levothyroxine, a synthetic form of the thyroid hormone T4, frequently comes with more dangers than benefits; consequently, many people with mild migraines go unt...
gained...I have hopes that I am finally getting there. From what I know now and what I knew one year ago when a doctor put me on thyroid medication that led to a hyperthyroid a world of difference. I have quit the specialist and gone back to my family doctor that is ...
Flourine is a poison that will, over time and without any doubt, bring down both your thyroid and your immune system. How is that result going to help against your fungl problem? And I'm not surprised your vision is affected by this drug. See all its side-effects here. Cortizone/...
or treat myctoxoins / black mold illness so if you suspect that you have this illness find a specialist . I have an MD that is an enviromental specialist. and another MD that knows how to treat mold illness. First thing both doctors told me was to MOVE OUT of the house we did. One...