The broad subject area of natural sciences encompasses nine individual subjects including chemistry, geography, mathematics and physics. Harvard University is the best university in the world for natural sciences subjects overall, one of six universities in the top 10 this year. ...
In the first place, while the methods described here are appropriate for understanding the ‘voiceless’ subjects of natural scientific enquiry, the human or social sciences are also dialogic at the level of their subject matter, as well as the level of analysis. Natural sciences deal with ...
Browse broader subjects Earth and environmental sciences Browse Natural hazards across other journals Previous page page 1 page 2 page 3 … page 8 Next page Nature Communications (Nat Commun) ISSN 2041-1723 (online) sitemap About Nature Portfolio About us Press ...
Human geographers have also adopted a poststructural Foucauldian perspective on resource management, focusing on the creation of environment and resource-managing subjects and the biopolitical strategies through which states have sought to optimize relationships between populations and the environment. These ...
Hamish D. Pritchard Browse broader subjects Earth and environmental sciences Browse Natural hazards across other journals Previouspage page1 page2 Nextpage Nature (Nature)ISSN1476-4687(online)ISSN0028-0836(print)
For early developmental milestones, head control was achieved late in 37.5% of the IQSEC2 subjects as well as autonomous sitting (63.2%) (Table 1). There were no statistical differences in early gross motor milestone acquisition as a function of gender that was observed. For autonomous walking,...
Subjects include chemistry of natural products; biochemistry of medicinal plants; pharmacology of natural products and herbs, including Kampo formulas and traditional herbs; botanical anatomy; cultivation of medicinal plants. Publishes Reviews, Mini-Reviews, Original Papers, Notes, Rapid Communications, and...
While in shorthand form, some of these six might seem glib, even ironic, the last three illuminate the two subjects I will argue below are taboo within disaster risk studies, hazard studies, and the climate change and development communities. Regarding Alexander’s second type of vulnerabil...
A particular proposition and a universal one have, in their subjects, “some” and “all” (and the like), respectively. Thus, they assert that regarding one object, or some plural objects, or all of plural objects, something holds (or does not hold). This division of propositions was, ...
Nevertheless, several students expressed what they did not know as well as issues or theoretical approaches to different subjects that they would have liked to know or to know more about. Student 6 (A-16, TD), for example, wrote, “We should have been better in using the different names ...