Computational Social Science and Social Media A Comprehensive Survey on Community Detection with Deep Learning. arXiv 2021 paper bib Xing Su, Shan Xue, Fanzhen Liu, Jia Wu, Jian Yang, Chuan Zhou, Wenbin Hu, Cécile Paris, Surya Nepal, Di Jin, Quan Z. Sheng, Philip S. Yu A Survey of ...
Social Science Quarterly, 84(2), 242–261. Cutter, S., & Corendea, C. (2013). From social vulnerability to resilience: Measuring progress toward disaster risk reduction. SOURCE 17. Bonn, Germany: United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security. Cutter, S., Fr...
SCIENCE STORIES THROUGH A CULTURAL LENS: The effects of cultural framing of storytelling in the natural and social sciencesdoi:10.7203/metode.14.26592STREAMING video & televisionSTORYTELLINGFRAMES (Social sciences)STORYTELLING in educationONLINE educationCULTURAL education...
Search ScienceDirect Outline Highlights Abstract Graphical abstract Abbreviations Keywords 1. Introduction 2. Major viral diseases outbreaks: an overview 3. Immune mechanisms in viral diseases 4. Antivirals from natural sources 5. Complementary and herbal preparations as future therapy 6. Conclusions and...
Physics and Spirituality: Explore theuniversal danceof creation through the lens of science and faith. Fundamental Forces: See howKrishna, Shiva, and Kalireflect the cosmos’s core dynamics. Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science: Discover the connections betweenscripturesandscientific theories. ...
Urban nature continues to be a topic of significant debate and disagreement despite major advances in technological development, ecological science, democratic governance, and cultural understanding over the last century. The city of Seattle provides a helpful lens for studying these tensions and exposing...
The methodological approach adopted in this publication was a literature search and synthesis of relevant peer-reviewed articles and related literature. The selection of literature was mainly based on search engines and platforms from Google Scholar, Web of Science, Research Gate, Science Direct, and ...
(ES) at the intersection of economics and biology, we identify the advantages and the limits of interdisciplinary theory-building and testing. Finally, we discuss how tools from the philosophy of science can be useful for proposing a way forward for integrating reliable knowledge on the natural ...
This paper studies the economic consequences of corporate digital transformation via the lens of green innovation. Using a quasi-natural experimental scenario of the gradual deployment of “Integration of Informatization and Industrialization”, pilot firms are the treatment group and non-pilot firms are...
state legislature; positive law; natural law; common law; civic engagement; social justice; history; liberal education; social science1. Introduction Civic engagement is impossible without history. History provides the possibility of a shared identity and a coherent vision of the future. History may ...