The 'Natural Response' refers to the decay of the initial energy stored in a circuit's inductor or capacitor over time, leading to a final value of zero without external sources, as described in second-order differential equations for RLC circuits. ...
Electrical response of natural pyroxenite is modelled with an equivalent circuit in which parallel RC circuit elements representing grain interior and grain boundary responses act in series. The grain boundaries do not enhance the total conductivity of natural pryoxenite. The total electrical conductivity...
In Electrical engineering, logarithm functions are used to find the different parameters in an electrical circuit. As it is well known that some processes such as multiplication and division, can be performed by addition and subtraction of logs (Alexander and Sadiku, 2012). RC circuit RC Circuit...
The use of epsilon-aminocaproic acid to reduce bleeding during cardiac bypass in children with congenital heart disease. Anesthesiology 1974; 40: 604–8. Article PubMed CAS Google Scholar Gralnick HR, Fischer RD. The hemostatic response to open-heart operations. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 1971; ...
Kurtz R., Warzecha A. K., and Egelhaaf M. (2001) Transfer of visual motion information via graded synapses operates linearly in the natural activity range.J. Neurosci.21, 6957–6966. PubMedCASGoogle Scholar Hengstenberg R. (1982) Common visual response properties of giant vertical cells in...
pygfunction - An open-source toolbox for the evaluation of thermal response factors of geothermal borehole fields. geothermics - Educational repository with Jupyter Notebooks all around the topic of geothermal energy. energy2d - Interactive Heat Transfer Simulations for Everyone. OpenGeoSys 6 - Is ...
of making an association between their actions and the rewarding outcome would be expected to make more response attempts at holes near the center of the array that are more likely to have been possible triggers for reward delivery and fewer at the holes at the edge of the array. WT males...
pygfunction - An open source toolbox for the evaluation of thermal response factors of geothermal borehole fields. GHEtool - GHEtool is an open source Python package that contains all the functionalities needed to deal with borefield design. OpenGeoSys 6 - A scientific open source project for...
We validated the computational modeling of the field confinement in such an optically-controlled circuit by in-vitro and in-vivo measurements. Most importantly, using this strategy, we demonstrated that the grating acuity with 40 μm pixels matches the pixel pitch, while with 20 μm pixels,...
an increase in metastatic activity. This review discusses mutations occurring in exon regions of TP53, polymorphisms in MDM2 and their interaction with large ribosomal subunit protein (RPL) leading to cancer development. We also highlight the potential of small molecules e.g. p53 activators like XI...