Natural Resources Worksheet with a Blue Theme Copy Template Copy Template Waterbody Background Based Natural Resources Worksheet Copy Template Copy Template Natural Resources Worksheet Featuring Log and Water Copy Template Copy Template Water, Air & Land Themed Natural Resources Worksheet Copy Tem...
ReduceReuseRecycleReduceReuseRecycleReduceReuseRecycle3Lesson:OurNaturalResourcesGrade:K-3Subject:ScienceObjective:Studentswill: differentiatebetweennaturalresourcesandman-madeitems describehowfamiliesusenaturalresourcesTeachingTime:30minutesMaterials:3x5indexcards;drawingpaper;transparency,NaturalResourceTree;Worksheet:HowFa...
2nd-3rd Grades 0-1st Grade 4th-5th Grades 6th-8th Grades BUNDLES Holiday & Seasonal By Subject Notebooking Social - Emotional Learning Instructional PPT Resources MTL - Giving Purchase a scholarship Newest Resources What's New? Newest Resources Let...
Rachel Salley 4 years Copy and Edit SUPER Science 3rd grade Natural Resource Conservation Rachel Salley 95 plays 8 questions Copy & EditSave 8 questions Show answersPreview Show Answers See Preview 1. Multiple Choice Edit 2 minutes 1 pt What does conserving mean? Saving the resources for yourse...
Things like fossil fuels and minerals are nonrenewable resources Things like fossil fuels and minerals are nonrenewable resources. Oil, natural gas, and coal are nonrenewable because they took millions of years to form and we are using them faster than they can be replaced by nature. ...
Teacher Support Key objectives Things you will need Additional resources Educational standards Student Material Student Worksheet Download, view, or share as an online HTML page or a printable PDF. View Online Bring LEGO® Education to your school or district Our team of experts is here to...
It requires match between the local potential and associated learning topic with student worksheet and questions. Keywords: Interactive e-book, Local potention, Covid-19 distruption to recovery era 1. INTRODUCTION Education world continues growing-up on going to 21th century era. It forces people ...
The data resources included (1) pre and post test questionnaire, (2) student in-class worksheet, (3) programming planning sheet, (4) code-conception matching sheet, (5) student NetLogo projects, (6) videotaped programming processes, (7) final interview, and (8) investigator's field notes...
I am looking for ways to spice that up with other hands-on or more interesting and more varied...