Different philosophers have given quite different answers to this fundamental question which, as we shall see, has led to the emergence of quite different environmental ethics.Keywords: Government Law, Natural Resources, Law, IranAlireza Hasani
natural resources are diminishing rapidly, affecting the poor, who rely upon these resources to generate most of their income (Van der Elst and Williams2018). Using public funds, the government sets limits on pollution and enforces drinking water standards. Moreover, some businesses are limited...
The study used spatial panel data model and conclude that technological innovation and resources consumption are vital mechanisms for regulation of the environment that influences economic growth. Besides the traditional neoclassical economic growth model, Law et al. (2020) studied the innovation impact ...
This posed a significant challenge to architects, who had to design low-energy buildings that could passively provide thermal comfort within the constraints of affordability and availability of energy resources. Correa's involvement in a national competition organized by the Department of Public Housing ...
journal of energy & natural resources law bibliography outline i item number a general 201-223 b oil and gas 224-271 c minerals and metals 272-289 An interview with Jay Bhutani, portfolio manager at Wellington Management Co. LLP is presented. When asked regarding Wellington, he says that the...
The Law 99/2009, known as “development law,” pursued geothermal growth following two paths: promoting free market competition for high-enthalpy geothermal resources and simplifying administrative procedures for the use of low-enthalpy and medium-enthalpy geothermal resources. The legislative decree (L...
64 https://sciencebasedtargets.org/resources/files/Net-Zero-Standard.pdf (2001). Natural Climate Solutions Alliance. Natural Climate Solutions for Corporates. https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_NCSA_NCS_for_Corporates_2021.pdf (2021). Voluntary Carbon Markets Integrity Initiative. VCMI Provisional ...
“organization and resources of each State” speak volumes about the relative nature of entitlements. But left unsaid is the nature of the “right” by which some are taxed to provide “social security” for others. Is there no natural right to the full enjoyment of the fruits of one’s ...
Natural justice : the development of a critical philosophy of law from David Hume and Adam Smith to John Millar and John Craig The thesis is that Hume and Smith between them outline a new theory of justice as the foundation for all social and political life. Justice is a mode of as......
Briefly, the diversity population was established by collecting seeds and rhizomes from natural as well as common garden resources and transported to Austin, TX where the accessions were clonally propagated. Switchgrass is an outcrossing perennial plant, hence individuals in the planting populations are ...