We found that methods to assess the complex issue of NBS efficiency and cost-benefits analysis are still in the development stage and they have only been implemented through the methodologies developed for other purposes such as fluid dynamics models in micro and catchment scale contexts. Of the ...
Several methods have been used to generate spatially wildfire risk maps to predict wildfires and damages to the environment to maintain ecosystem services and optimum use of resources (Ahamed et al.2000; Collins et al.2001; Malczewski2004; Amiri and Shariff2012; Zolekar and Bhagat2015). The pro...
are both wracked by corruption, poverty and bad governance, and would be able to mutually draw down military forces pit against one another everywhere, so as to begin to repair the grave damage to their fiscal health caused over decades by the deleterious draining away of vast public resources...
Elias PB, Bandis SC (2000) Neurofuzzy systems in landslide hazard assessment. In: Proceedings of 4th international symposium on spatial accuracy assessment in natural resources and environmental sciences, July 2000, pp 199–202 Ercanoglu M, Gokceoglu C (2004) Use of fuzzy relations to produce la...
found in a variety of fruits, vegetables, and medicinal herbs [4,5]. UA has been documented to possess the antioxidant [6], antidiabetic [7], and anti-inflammatory [8] properties. The anticancer potential of UA was also investigated in the studies conducted in the past decade [9]. ...
The thermal aquatic niches were found a potential bioresource of biocatalyst systems for biomass-processing. Overall, this study provides the whole metagenome based insights into the taxonomic and functional profiles of Polok and Reshi hot springs of the Sikkim Himalaya. The study generated a wealth ...
Sustainability 2012, 4, 412-429; doi:10.3390/su4030412 OPEN ACCESS sustainability ISSN 2071-1050 www.mdpi.com/journal/sustainability Article Land Use and Natural Resources Planning for Sustainable Ecotourism Using GIS in Surat Thani, Thailand Khwanruthai Bunruamkaew * and Yuji Murayama Division of ...
Table 3. Structures of ACEIPs from natural resources and food proteins. From a closer look at the sequences of food-derived and natural ACEIPs, it is evident that most of them contain IPP and VPP fragments in their C-terminal end. Many of these peptides also have other relevant residues...