1NATURALRESOURCES: N a t . R e s . NaturalResources UnitOverview Thisunitfocusesonnaturalresourcesastheyrelatetosustainabledevelopment.Itis appropriateforGradesK–4.Itisthegoaloftheunittohavestudentsincreasetheir understandingofnaturalresourcesuse,depletion,andbiodiversity.Thisunitand“TheLife ...
Grade:K-3 Subject:Science Objective: Studentswill: differentiatebetween naturalresourcesand man-madeitems describehowfamilies usenaturalresources TeachingTime:30minutes Materials:3x5indexcards; drawingpaper;transparency, NaturalResourceTree; Worksheet:HowFamilies ...
These learning resources can be used to create effective learning. The learning resource most commonly used by teachers in learning is books. Books still play a very important role as the main and supporting learning resource as well as the most effective learning resource. 783 Advances in Social...
and very words-focused (although he is also a much better visualizer than I am). He, ...