General and regional problems in the scientific prediction of the development and future use of the natural features and resource base are under intense study; also being developed is the optimization of the exchange of matter between society and nature, which, as K. Marx noted, is mediated, ...
Most importantly though, this chart shows the 10-year planned target emissions for VMI to be able to achieve net-zero by 2030 and as you can see, we are on target! Our 2023 CO2 audit confirmed that in its current year, VMI’s success has been so pronounced, that when mapping VMI agai...
The help of various people in Malawi’s Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW), Mzuzu University as well as University of Livingstonia at multiple levels, too many to name individually, is also acknowledged, particularly Professor Wales Singini (The Vice Chancellor, who was the Directo...
Over the years, ARCHI has proved to be an unparalleled powerful resource and Go To website for the identification of unidiscovered archaeological and historical sites by metal detecting researchers, local historians, old map lovers, students, and anyone interested in learning more about the rich his...
The beneficial use of ascorbic has been established for the stabilization of beer (Wales 1956) and other food applications where it can serve to reduce the oxygen from the headspace of a closed system (Cort 1974). Ascorbic acid has proven useful in stabilizing oils and lipid-containing foods....
— Jimmy Wales, Founder of Wikipedia I am Livid … It is an uncomfortable feeling for an editor to discover that they have used a word for decades believing that they understood its meaning, only to discover that isn’t the case at all. I expect that you, too, think that you know the...
In England and Wales, an estimated 97% of unimproved grassland was lost between 1932 and 1984 (Fuller, 1987). The decline has been largely attributed to the intensification of agriculture and abandonment of remaining semi-natural grassland areas, which occurred during and after the Second World ...
Map-based cloning NAFIS: National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development All India Rural Financial Inclusion Survey NAGS: National Active Germplasm Sites NBPGR: National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources NERICA: New Rice for Africa NHEJ: Nonhomologous end joining NIDM: National Institute ...
This research was conducted using the UK Biobank Resource under application no. 9905. This work was supported by the Medical Research Council (Unit Programme numbers MC_UU_12015/2 and MC_UU_00006/2); ERC grant nos 615603, 835079 and 865356; ESRC ES/N011856/1; the Leverhulme Trust; the...
Location map of study area showing the five study sites relative to the major population centres of Cairns, Townsville and Mackay in North Queensland, Australia. Green dots represent mainland sites and the yellow dot is an island site. Also shown are the boundaries of the model gates of the ...