Early ICM in Western Australia was for a number of decades coordinated through the state's regional NRM bodies, which had no statutory functions, but relied on the volunteerism of the people and networks associated with these bodies. More recently, the State Natural Resource Management Framework wa...
Chamberlin, Katherine M.University of Wyoming.Chamberlin, K. M. (1998). Collaborative natural resource management in three western communities: Successes and unresolved issues. Department of Geography and Recreation. Laramie, Wyoming, University of Wyoming: 100....
this review is necessarily biased toward them. We use fourcase studiesto illustrate the difficulties and progress that stress studies in biological conservation have made: (1) the mountain pygmy possum and development of tourist facilities in Australia; (2) the mass die-off of seals in the North...
Major enterprises in the global market of Natural Resource Management Consulting include: Acacia Natural Resource Consultants ERM Redstart DAI Owl Ridge FirstCarbon Solutions Ricardo Eco Logical Australia FCG ARTD Consultants Integrated Natural Resources Management Consultants ...
Second, as the natural resources of border regions become difficult to distribute, regardless of accessibility, the regimes on both sides of the border become competitive in their degree of power relations. For example, a zero-sum game is evident when one country occupies resources while the ...
Trust has been identified as a central characteristic of successful natural resource management (NRM), particularly in the context of implementing participatory approaches to stakeholder engagement. Trust is, however, a multi-dimensional and multi-level concept that is known to evolve recursively through...
For example, Australia’s Daintree Rainforest has effectively stored carbon for 135 million years, and is currently protected as a national park60. Other ecosystems are less durable, either due to human or environmental threats, such as conversion for urban development or increased wildfire risk ...
Risk is a function of (a) exposure to a hazard, (b) susceptibility or sensitivity to harm or loss, (c) degree of personal or social protection enjoyed, and (d) capacity to cope or adapt to the impact of the hazard. Efforts to develop an index of vulnerability take these co...
and the protection of the environment will be undermined without economic growth. There are limits on the planet’s economic growth due to its natural resources. Depending on the degree of resource substitution, technological progress, and structural factors changes, these limits may differ. The resu...
1. Natural resource dependence, human capital accumulation, and economic growth: A combined explanation for the resource curse and the resource blessing [J] . Shuai Shao, Lili Yang Energy Policy . 2014,第nova期 机译:自然资源依赖,人力资本积累和经济增长:对资源诅咒和资源祝福的综合解释 2. Are...