I’ve done some searching online and each site has numerous recipes for repellents, but like humans each dog emanates a scent that I believe attracts or doesn’t attract pesky critters. Every feel like you are eaten alive by Mosquitos and the person near you isn’t while both are or are...
Natural repellent solutions for home, garden & landscape protection. Made in the USA. Shop high quality bug repellants and animal repellants that really do work!
Salt and Garlic for Easy Natural Snake Repellent Snakes have a very acute and unique sense of smell. Anything that is even remotely unpleasant smelling helps with your snake problem. One common snake repellent people try is a 50-50 mix of salt and crushed garlic. The salt irritates the snake...
Mosquito Barrier works just as well on ticks as it does on Mosquitoes. Read the proof: Scientific proof that our all garlic Mosquito Barrier works on Ticks: Article from May/June 2011 issue of Integrated Pest Management publication. Studies on tick repellents conducted by: Anuja Bharadwaj at Co...
insect free naturally. Safe for all ages and pets, just not the bugs. Works as a room deodorizer and sanitizer too. Comes with a book of instructions and ways to use the product to economically remove all your bug problems. 1 oz will make 1 gallon of mild insect repellent-- depending ...
Moth balls are not intended for use outdoors, in crawl spaces, in attics, on floors or carpets, with mattresses or furniture to keep away unwanted animals, rodents, pests, and snakes. Improper use of moth balls, like any other product, can result in problems. Smelleze® Moth Ball ...
We’re here to remind you that for nearly 40 years PredatorPee® BobcatPee Bobcat Urine has been providing a safe, natural and non-lethal alternative to chemical mice repellents to keep mice out and away all season long. PredatorPee® BobcatPee Bobcat Urine protects all the places in you...
Free sample of Trash Out --Keeps all animals out of your basement, garage, garbage cans, shed Naturally--bears, raccoons, squirrels, skunks, rats, mice, deer, possums, groundhogs, snakes, armadillos, rabbits, dogs, cats, ants, bees, flies & maggots- 2-3 garbage can's worth You mus...