Processed foods and sugars guarantee acid reflux as they create an imbalance in the stomach and intestinal tract. To avoid imbalance, eat fresh organic fruits and vegetables. An apple on a regular basis can help a great deal in this case. In addition to this, eating lots of fresh salad can...
Heartburn or acid reflux is the common term to describe when acidic fumes or gases from our half-digested food flows upwards back into the esophagus, where they are not supposed to be. Although named such, this condition usually has anything to do with the heart. The medical term for heart...
Try "LILY OF THE DESERT Stomach formula - in mint flavor". This works too! You can buy it at any health food store or order on-line. TRUST ME! It will cure it. You have to do your part and stay away from acidic foods while you're using this remedy, so that your esophageal ...
During treatment, the bump or area may appear white at first, but over time, the acidic content of the apple cider vinegar will help to remove the bump within three weeks. Related Article;Bleeding on the Affected Skin: Quick Tips for Quick Relief GREEN TEA This herbal remedy is great for ...
I can highly recommend ACV 1tbs and oregano oil 1 drop for a sore throat remedy. I put this in the back of my throat and lay back to coat the throat way back. I felt relief immediately. The problem came when I swallowed the mixture, as I had nothing in my stomach. So from my ...
For people who have been vomiting or have a stomach virus, the acidic juice may not sit well on an empty stomach, so try a little at a time until you see how you tolerate it. 5. Acupressure Applying pressure to specific points on the body, such as the wrist, can help relieve nausea...
The oxygenation level of the blood, whether the blood is acidic or alkaline; certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies; the presence of bad bacteria, mold and fungus; and the level of inflammation can be addressed. Natural Remedy Library A-Z Hangover Remedies Fast ways to detoxify alcohol from ...
How to quickly fix excessive flatulence, belly bloat, intestinal cramps, an upset stomach and other digestive problems with potent natural cures
This is a natural and effective remedy for sore throat. Lemon is rich in vitamin C, which can help reduce inflammation. In addition, its acidic nature makes your throat hostile to the development of bacteria. Add 1 teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice to a cup of hot water and drink ...
My father was diagnosed about a year later with esophageal cancer. Soon thereafter he had a feeding tube surgically inserted into his stomach. That was a good thing. He, unlike my mother, he decided to NOT to do chemo and radiation.I began a natural approach to his bleeding issues and ca...