boasts the lowestunemployment rateinthe country andanaturalbeauty that has earned it the nicknamesoftheBush Capital and the Garden Capital. 堪培拉位于澳大利亚首都领地(ACT),保持着全国最低的失业率水平,而自然美景则为这座城市赢来了丛林之都和花园之都的美誉。
Finally, the study also analyzed the natural rate of unemployment for China that was around 4.86 per cent that can be compared with the natural rate of unemployment (as prescribed by economists 4 to 5 per cent). The study suggests certain tools that will be helpful for polic...
Define Natural Phenomena. Natural Phenomena synonyms, Natural Phenomena pronunciation, Natural Phenomena translation, English dictionary definition of Natural Phenomena. Noun 1. natural phenomenon - all phenomena that are not artificial phenomenon - any
What is natural about the Natural Rate of Unemployment? Might it be different in other countries? Why or why not? Unemployment Rate: The unemployment rate is a percentage of jobless people in the workplace. This is brought by the economic and financial ...
naturalrateofunemploymentisabout3.2%inCinafnthepastthreedecades.Thepaper 锄dsthatOkunlawisstillvalidinChinainthelongFun,buttheOkuncoeficientisabout .3.79.overestimatingtheimpactoftheregisteredunemploymentrateonGDPgrowth.and needstobecorrectedbasedonChina dualeconomicstructure. Keywords:Okun'sLaw,dualstructure,natu...
1) Natural Rate of Unemployment Hypothesis 自然失业率假说 2) NAIRU 自然失业率 1. The estimation and application ofNAIRUin China——based on empirical analysis on HPMV filter; 中国自然失业率的估计与应用——基于HPMV滤波的实证分析 2. The Measuring and Analyzing ofNAIRUin China:Based on the Data ...
The natural rate of unemployment exists when:()A.the economy operates below full employment.B.the economy operates at full employment.C.frictional unemployment is zero.的答案是什么.用刷刷题APP,拍照搜索答疑.刷刷题(是专业的大学职业搜题找答
2.In the long run, unemployment is equal to the natural rate, and output grows at its normal growth rate.从长远看,失业率等于自然失业率,产量增长率等于它的标准增长率。 3.The Measuring and Analyzing of NAIRU in China:Based on the Data of 1978-2007我国自然失业率的测量与解析——基于1978-2007...
14.The Inevitable Choice of Chinese Finance Reform--The Using of Market Interest Rates;我国金融改革的必然选择——利率市场化 15.In the long run, unemployment is equal to the natural rate, and output grows at its normal growth rate.从长远看,失业率等于自然失业率,产量增长率等于它的标准增长率。