Natural Products Expo East is held in Baltimore as the unique tabletop event features an array of products in a festival...
Highlights the Natural Products Expo East in Baltimore, Maryland. Concerns of industry professionals over genetically modified foods; Meal solutions for the genetically modified foods; Interest in providing consumers with high-quality healthful products.GormanLauraMoranMichelleEBSCO_bspGourmet Retailer...
Middle East Organic and Natural Products Expo is the only business event in the region to focus exclusively on organic and natural products. Connecting suppliers and buyers for 21 years, it is held under the patronage of the UAE’s Ministry of Climate Change and Environment. For 2023, the Exp...
Much of the growth in natural products comes as a result of entrepreneurial brands bringing innovative ideas and new flavors to the table and the expo floor.Ibraheem Basir, Founder and CEO of A Dozen Cousins, said: "We think...
美国天然产品博览会(Natural Products Expo)是全球最大的天然、有机和健康产品展览会,迄今已经有41年的历史,它分为东、西部两届。每年都吸引了美国本土、欧洲、亚洲、南美甚至非洲等众多买家前往洽谈交流。它被列为美国前50个具有较高知名度和成长潜力的展览会之一。
美国东部天然产品展览会Natural Products Expo East 美国是有机食品的消费大国,随着人们对食品健康和食品安全问题的关注,有机食品的消费将不断扩大。早在90年代末,中国有机事业已经开始不断增长,中国有 机产品以出口为主,满足海外对于有机食品的需求。发达国家成为有机食品企业必争之地,欧盟则又成为重中之重。有机...
2022 年 9 月 28 日 - 10 月 1 日 宾夕法尼亚会议中心,费城,美国 Natural Products Expo East 是了解健康和美容、有机或天然和特色食品的最新产品和趋势的地方。它将您与产品背后的人联系起来,在课堂上向您介绍行业专家,并邀请您与其他志同道合的专业人士一起享受乐趣。开放时间:上午 10:00 - 下午 6...
Natural Products Expo East will be taking place September 22-25, 2021 in Philadelphia, PA! ORGANIC TRADE ASSOCIATION BOOTH & MEMBER HOSPITALITY LOUNGE September 22-25, 2021 | Booth #431 Be sure to visit our booth and member lounge at Expo East 2021! Memb
美国波士顿食品展(NATURAL PRODUCTS EXPO EAST ) 美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥食品展(NRA ’) 土耳其伊斯坦布尔食品展览 德国柏林 …|基于2个网页 2. 美国东部天然产品博览会 ...oFach America 2009)和同时举办的美国东部天然产品博览会(Natural Products Expo East)共有来自15个国家和地区的参展商184 …www...
Natural Products Expo East continues to be the East Coast's leading trade show in the natural, organic and healthy products industry, attracting over 28,000 industry professionals and 1,900 exhibits to the Baltimore Convention Center. The Organic Trade A