A global assessment shows that the wildland–urban interface occurs on all continents, showing its broad-scale patterns and providing a basis for future research on dynamics and socioeconomic and biophysical processes. Franz Schug ,Avi Bar-Massada ...
However, these oscillations also tend to be continuous in nature although low in amplitude. The four lowest frequency oscillations have periods of approximately 55, 36, 27, and 22 min. The 55-min period corresponds to the first longitudinal mode of oscillation, and the 36-min period, to the...
That attention is a fundamentally rhythmic process has recently received abundant empirical evidence. The essence of temporal attention, however, is to flexibly focus in time. Whether this function is constrained by an underlying rhythmic neural mechanis
Natural area protection is an important approach in the conservation of wetlands, which included land designation by local, state, or federal entities,NGOs(e.g., Nature Conservancy), and theRamsar Conventionon Wetlands. Designatedprotected areas(irrespective of wetlands) cover 12.7% of lands, and ...
Nature 403:410–414 ® Vicente-Serrano SM, López-Moreno JI (2006) The influence of atmospheric circulation at different spatial scales on winter drought variability through a semi-arid climatic gradient in northeast Spain. Int J Climatol 26:1427–1453 ® Wang G, Cheng G (2000) The ...
In the history of human thought, mathematics and consciousness have always been noticeable themes. As an abstract language, mathematics is considered to be one of the most effective tools to describe the laws of nature. At the same time, as the core of human thinking and perception, consciousne...
‘Atmospheric and oceanic computational simulation models often successfully depict chaotic space–time patterns, flow phenomena, dynamical balances, and equilibrium distributions that mimic nature. This success is accomplished through necessary but nonunique choices for discrete algorithms, parameterizations, and...
Precipitation patterns across Australia also show no detectable trend in the last 50 years, as some regions have experienced more rainfall and some less rainfall. As a whole, however, the country has become slightly wetter since 1960 (as indicated by the larger concentrations of blue in the ...
On-line comprehension of natural speech requires segmenting the acoustic stream into discrete linguistic elements. This process is argued to rely on theta-gamma oscillation coupling, which can parse syllables and encode them in decipherable neural activi
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