However, it is important not to use too much salt as this could cause additional drying out of the sensitive throat membranes. A teaspoon of salt in a cup of water is sufficient. A study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that gargling with saltwater may even ...
Top 31 Natural Home Remedies For Sore Throat A sore throat maybe not serious but it can cause you annoy, or sometimes, a sore throat can also be a sign of a more severe illness. The causes for sore throat can range from a cold to ...
“strep throat”,或称为链球菌性喉炎,是一种常见的喉咙感染疾病。它是由链球菌(特别是A群链球菌)引起的喉部炎症,通常表现为喉咙疼痛、吞咽困难、扁桃体肿大、可能伴有白色或黄色的脓点、发热、头痛以及颈部淋巴结肿大等症状。链球菌性喉炎主要通过飞沫传播,尤其在人群密集的环境中,如...
use a store bought blackcurrant juice drink such as Ribeana, which works just as well. The soothing is quite long lasting but depending on how bad your sore throat/laryngitis is you may need to have more than one mug. (YOU CAN HAVE AS MANY AS YOU NEED AS IT IS NOT MEDICINE BASED)...
How To Get Rid Of This Tickle In My Throat? How To Deal With A Badly Tangled Hair Knot Like A... Is Marijuana a Good All-Natural Medicine for... My Lips Are Badly Chapped! How Do I Soothe Them? Is It Possible To Cure Leucoderma In Its Initial... ...
Natural Remedies for Common Health Conditions A guide to herbs and supplements for specific health problems. by Steven H. Horne Introduction Herbs have been used as man's medicine and food for thousands of years. They are not primitive substitutes for modern drugs. In fact, they do not work ...
Tulsi, (a.k.a.Holy Basil) leaves are an exceptional herb for providing long-term relief as it has excellent antibacterial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. It has long been used in traditional medicine by many Asian cultures as an immune booster. ...
Chinese medicine that can effectively treat sore throat. The leaves and flowers of Honeysuckle have antibacterial properties that can help remove sore throats, coughs, and other signs of the flu. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory properties that reduce inflammation of the tissue in the throat...
Extract. Out of all of them that I have tried Usnea comes in first place for me personally, but there are so many natural and wild medicines available that it’s good to know where to start. I hope this list helps you create a natural medicine arsenal for your homestead. Happy Healing...
Colds caused by a bacteria, like strep throat, can be treated with an anti-biotic and can be greatly minimized within hours of taking the first does. However, fungi are a different breed, especially when it comes to black mold. You are constantly being bombarded by spores which continually ...