The natural log of anything negative will create a complex number even if it is real.
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Developingpredictive maintenanceschedules based on sensor and text log data Automating requirement formalization and compliance checking Apply Natural Language Processing with MATLAB Information Retrieval with Work Orders Data Sentiment Analysis in MATLAB ...
For each cell, a contour was used to summarize the spatial receptive field. We upsampled the spatial receptive field to single-pixel resolution and then blurred it with a circular Gaussian ofσ = 4 pixels. We extracted receptive-field contours using MATLAB’s ‘contourc’ function at 25%...
Because the Kullback–Leibler divergence can never be less than zero, the variational free energy provides an upper bound on negative log evidence: equivalently, the negative free energy provides a lower bound on log evidence; known as an evidence lower bound (ELBO) in machine learning (Winn &...
In line with the log law wind profile, the wind speed experiences a gradual increase from 0 m/s at ground level to 1.78 m/s at the building's top edge. The collision with the building causes a modification of the components of the initial wind velocity vector, leading to changes in ...
Natural-Parameter Networks (NPN) in Matlab This is the code for the NIPS paper 'Natural-Parameter Networks: A Class of Probabilistic Neural Networks'. It is a class of probabilistic neural networks that treat both weights and neurons as distributions rather than just points in high-dimensional sp...
We quantified the average amplitude across all orientations as a function of spatial frequency, and plotted this on a log–log scale. The slope constant of the amplitude spectrum (image a) was identified by fitting a linear function to the average amplitude spectrum between 0.06 and 1 c.p.d...
Compared with MATLAB fsolve solver, the Broyden method only needs to calculate the Jacobian matrix and its inverse form in the first iteration step, so the calculation speed is relatively fast. On the other hand, for MATLAB fsolve solver, the Jacobian matrix is built by numerical approximation,...
projected data, charted as a function of the length constant reliant on path distances measured in 3D reconstructions (see Methods); the traces (shaded areas) indicate the mean (±SEM) of the correlation coefficient. Dashed vertical lines indicate the equivalent diameter of axon arbors of bipolar...