The puzzle could be resolved if it were assumed that natural laws are a manifestation of God's activity. This argument from natural law to God's existence differs from its traditional counterparts in that, whereas the latter seek to explain the of natural laws, the former seeks to explain ...
2.(Philosophy) a nonlogically necessary truth; law of nature. See alsonomological2 3.(Philosophy) the philosophical doctrine that the authority of the legal system or of certain laws derives from their justifiability by reason, and indeed that a legal system which cannot be so justified has no...
...时可以被当成自然法的同义语来使用,甚至可以等同于“自然衡平”(natural equity)、“上帝的法律”(the laws of God)等这样的一些 …|基于7个网页 2. 自然公道 ...;人的时代。与此相适应,存在着三种类型的法律:第一种是秘奥的神学;第二种是英雄时代的法律;第三种是自然公道(natural eq...
The meaning of NATURAL LAW is a body of law or a specific principle held to be derived from nature and binding upon human society in the absence of or in addition to positive law.
Natural law definition: a principle or body of laws considered as derived from nature, right reason, or religion and as ethically binding in human society.. See examples of NATURAL LAW used in a sentence.
St. Thomas Aquinas gave a fourfold classification of laws, namely, (1) Law of God or external law, (2) Natural Law which is revealed through “reason”, (3) Divine Law or the Law of Scriptures, (4) Human Laws which we now called ‘Positive law’. Natural Law is a part of divine...
Such a view was particularly appealing when God’s design was the best available scientific hypothesis to explain the world. One can observe the nature of plants and animals, including humans, and find a divine natural law, in two senses of that term: a description of the “laws of nature...
the natural world. For example, the regularity of physical laws and the intricate design of living organisms are seen as evidence of divine rationality. This view is echoed in the idea that mathematical principles, like the certainty of geometric axioms, are reflections of God's rational nature1...
By ruling out a spiritual part of the human person which might survive death and a God who might resurrect the body, naturalism also rules out survival after death. In addition, naturalism denies human freedom on the grounds that every event must be explainable by deterministic natural laws. ...
Observers concluded that things are the way they are because God intended them to be that way, though He operated outside of the natural law, Himself, as the law giver. As Bertrand Russell pointed out much later, many of the things we consider to be laws of nature, in fact, are human...