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强烈推荐这个东东~ [《Natural Language Processing with Python》.pdf]给你放这儿啦~ 这个资源你喜欢不,还想了解其他类似的资源不?
NLP 自然语言处理实战 前言 自然语言处理 ( Natural Language Processing, NLP) 是计算机科学领域与人工智能领域中的一个重要方向。它研究能实现人与计算机之间用自然语言进行有效通信的各种理论和方法,用于分析理解机器与人之间的交互,常用的领域有:实体识别、文本纠错
In the past, only experts could be part of natural language processing projects that required superior mathematics, machine learning, and linguistics knowledge. Today, the scenario has changed. Developers can access ready-made tools that simplify text preprocessing, allowing them to focus more on buil...
Natural Language Processing has been around for a while, but thanks to increased computer power and advances of Machine Learning technology, NLP has seen rapid growth. With a few libraries and a single-board computer, Python is a great language to test NLP ideas and projects....
Natural Language Processing with Python: Analyzing Text with the Natural Language ToolkitBird, StevenKlein, EwanLoper, Edward
书名: Natural Language Processing with Python 作者: Steven Bird/Ewan Klein/Edward Loper 副标题: Analyzing Text with the Natural Language Toolkit 页数: 504 出版社: O'Reilly Media 出版年: 2009-7-10 第180页 A part-of-speech tagger, or POS tagger, processes a sequence of words, and attaches...
Some NLP Projects using Python There are many NLP projects out there, covering a variety of use cases. Some of the natural language processing with Python projects worthy of note include the following. The DeepMoji deep learning model has been trained from 1.2 billion tweets with emojis and look...
John Snow Labs' NLP is an open source text processing library for Python, Java, and Scala. It provides production-grade, scalable, and trainable versions of the latest research in natural language processing. Get Started For Free Most Widely Used in the Enterprise Widely deployed production-grad...
Natural Language Processing with Python Steven Bird, Ewan Klein, and Edward Loper Table of Contents Preface ... ix Language Processing and Python . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 Computing with Lang...