NLP的应用领域非常广泛,包括但不限于: - 机器翻译:将一种自然语言文本翻译成另一种自然语言。 - 文本分类:将文本按照预定义的类别进行分类,如垃圾邮件过滤。 - 信息抽取:从大量文本中自动提取出结构化的信息。 - 问答系统:回答用户提出的问题,如智能助理和在线客服。 - 情感分析:分析文本的情感倾向,如社交媒体...
NLP (Natural Language Processing) 是人工智能(AI)的一个子领域。 研究范畴: 文本朗读(Text to speech)/语音合成(Speech synthesis) 语音识别(Speech recognition) 中文自动分词(Chinese word segmentation) 词性标注(Part-of-speech tagging) 句法分析(Parsing) 自然语言生成(Natural language generation) 文本分类(Tex...
NLP ( Natural Language Processing ),也就是人们常说的「自然语言处理」,就是研究如何让计算机读懂人类语言,即将人的自然语言转换为计算机可以阅读的指令。在就业上讲,这边的工程师被人们称为NLP算法工程师,前些年火的是CV工程师(计算机视觉工程师),目前NLP算法工程师的薪资待遇,普遍偏上。 NLP都包含哪些内容呢?
Natural language processing (NLP) is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that enables computers to comprehend, generate, and manipulate human language.
NLP 自然语言处理实战 前言 自然语言处理 ( Natural Language Processing, NLP) 是计算机科学领域与人工智能领域中的一个重要方向。它研究能实现人与计算机之间用自然语言进行有效通信的各种理论和方法,用于分析理解机器与人之间的交互,常用的领域有:实体识别、文本纠错
uage Processing,简称NLP)是指用计算机对自然语言信息进行处理的理论、方法和技术。与NLP相近的两个研究领域:自然 语言理解(Natural Language Understanding, NLU):强调对语言含义和意图的深层次解释。计算语言学( Computational Linguistics, CL):强调可计算的语言理论。NLP技术的典型应用机器翻译自动摘要文本分类与 ...
Natural Language Processing, or NLP, is a part of computer science that helps computers understand, interpret, and use human language. Basically, it’s like teaching a computer how to talk and write like a human. Imagine you’re talking to your friend, you can understand each other easily,...
Natural language processing (NLP) is the ability of a computer program to understand human language as it's spoken and written -- referred to as natural language. It's a component of artificial intelligence (AI). NLP has existed for more than 50 years and has roots in the field of lingui...
In this post, we'll take a deep dive into Natural Language Processing (NLP) including its history, definition, and use cases.
Natural language processing teaches machines how to understand and use human language, meaning it allows computers to talk. Learn more about NLP here.