NLP =NLU+ NLG 自然语言生成 – NLG 是 NLP 的重要组成部分。NLU 负责理解内容,NLG 负责生成内容。 以智能音箱为例,当用户说“几点了?”,首先需要利用 NLU 技术判断用户意图,理解用户想要什么,然后利用 NLG 技术说出“现在是6点50分”。 自然语言生成 – NLG 是什么? NLG 是为了跨越人类和机器之间的沟...
Natural Language Generation(NLG)就是指需要生成新的文字信息的任务, 前面学到的Machine Translation其实也是NLG一种. 生成text的过程也就是decoding的过程, 之前我们学习了greedy decoding和beam search decoding. 现在我们介绍几种新的Sampling-based decoding方式. Pure sampling和greedy decoding类似, greedy decoding每...
Natural Language Generation (NLG) is the task of generating human-readable text from statistical representations of information, with the aim of producing engaging and informative responses. NLG faces challenges such as generating short and uninteresting outputs, lack of contextualization, and repetitive ...
1. 原始语言: {{#1719357159255.languageName#}} 2. 目标语言: {{#1719357159255.destLanguageName#...
(Natural Language Generation: A Deep Dive into Technology and Applications) 引言 (Narrative Introduction) 自然语言生成(NLG)是自然语言处理(NLP)领域中的一个重要分支,旨在通过计算机程序自动生成可读的文本。随着人工智能技术的迅猛发展,NLG的应用场景也日益丰富,从简单的报告生成到复杂的对话系统,NLG正在改变我们与...
Natural language processing encompasses natural language understanding and natural language generation, two related processes. NLP encompasses both NLG and NLU, which have the following distinct, but related capabilities: NLU refers to the ability of a computer to use syntactic and semantic analysis to ...
Natural language generation (NLG) gives an AI-based approach to producing text summaries of environmental data that has advantages over template-based techniques. Its three component steps of concept instantiation, text planning, and linguistic realization are illustrated inthe FOG system, which generates...
Learn more about NLG, a software process that utilizes NLP to produce natural written/spoken language from structured and unstructured data.
其实对于基础的NLP任务来说,大致分成了两个部分,其一是自然语言理解部分 ( NLU, Natural Language Understanding),其二是自然语言生成部分 (NLG, Natural Language Generation)。而其中在NLU的任务当中,具体数量明显是要比NLG多的。 那么NLU到底是什么任务呢?实际上就是对于文本,计算机能够做出的理解,我们都知道计算机本...
4. 自然语言生成(Natural Language Generation, NLG) 自然语言生成是自然语言理解的一个重要组成部分,涉及将计算机理解的内容转化为自然语言文本。NLG技术在聊天机器人、自动摘要等应用中得到了广泛应用。 自然语言理解的应用领域 (Applications of Natural Language Understanding) ...