Dr. Michael and Dr. Allie Hamstead, licensed chiropractic physicians and Sherman College of Chiropractic graduates, have been dedicated to caring for their community since 2012. Born and raised in the area, Dr. Allie is passionate about supporting local families and also serves as an Assistant Pro...
Plus… here’s something that’s bound to make you smile: Not only will you be getting the amazing health benefits iodine has to offer, and not only will you be getting it in a convenient, easy to swallow pill…it’s no where near the cost of most any other high priced formulation y...
Berberine 283 is an isoquinoline alkaloid of wide distribu- tion in nature[185] that is widely used in traditional eastern homeotherapy, particularly in treating gastrointestinal infec- tions and as an anti-hyperglycemic agent by many Chinese physicians[186]. In docking experiments, compound 283 ...
We're so grateful to have access to these knowledgeable, compassionate professionals! They're a terrific complement to our traditional physicians, in fact they've been able to accomplish a few things that have eluded other physicians. If you are feeling like just another drop in your practitioner...
Quacks and “naturopathic physicians” Vague credentials –“has researched X topic for 10 years” Lack of citations Doctors with websites pushing dozens of different supplements It should only take a few minutes of Googling to find the credentials of a real doctor. But even if the guy on the...
Abstract:“Not all physicians abandoned iodine/iodide, and many continued up to the present day to use Lugol solution and potassium iodide in the treatment of iodine deficiency and simple goiter.Today, this is called alternative medicine, but 100 years ago it was mainstream medicine.In 1921, S...
Most over the counter iodine supplements, even those recommended by physicians, are woefully low in strength. You would literally have to down dozens of those pills a day in order to get anywhere near a proper dose of high quality iodine. Question 3: The TSH Puzzle Here’s an enigma ma...
there was even a sharp increase in the number of physicians who were suggesting nutritional supplements to their patients as more and more data began to make headlines about their importance. I believe this trend will continue through 2021 as we will c...
A truly incredible and energetic woman, Sophie has a very active, successful YouTube channel :Sophie Uliano – A Gorgeously Green Life. We recommend you check it out. She offers great information and tips on all things “green” – nutrition, beauty, health – Sophie covers it all. ...
Sound like MTHFR is important to overall health and well-being? Research now is suggesting that one in two people have an altered shape to their MTHFR gene and therefore, altered function. Should you get tested? Treatments can include taking certain B vitamins, which support the MTHFR gene pro...