20 years of helping you feel better in midtown Toronto. Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Massage, Laser, Acupuncture, Naturopath, Psychotherapy, Pilates, Hypopressives 416-482-1332 Russell Hill Chiropractic & Natural Health Eglinton & Avenue Rd
The practice of chiropractic focuses on the relationship between structure (primarily the spine) and function (as coordinated by the nervous system) and how that relationship affects the... Read More Acupuncture Acupuncture is a system of complementary medicine that involves pricking the skin or tissu...
Queen Anne Natural Health (QANH) is a multidisciplinary clinic serving Queen Anne and the greater Seattle area for over two decades. We offer acupuncture & Chinese medicine as well as chiropractic, naturopathic and massage therapy services.
Chiropractic View Category Acupuncture View Category Massage View Category Nutrition View Category Practitioners - Get Listed! Natural Health Practitioners - for a limited time apply to get listed on Choose Natural for free! Simply fill out our form and we'll let you know if you've been selected...
Acupuncture is a gentle treatment that is intended to be very relaxing, restorative and balancing. As the primary goal is to regulate the flow of Qi in the gall bladder meridian, one often notices that their entire sense of health is boosted from the treatment: physically, emotionally, and me...
Edgewood Natural Health PLLC Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine, Chiropractic, and Massage Therapy EDGEWOOD NATURAL HEALTH 3217 Meridian Ave East, Edgewood WA 98371 ~ (253) 927-5905 Appointment Scheduling Aubrey Whittier is taking new patients for Acupuncture and Eastern Medicine. John Frostad is taking ...
Lake West Chiropractic and Natural Health is your local Chiropractor in Plymouth serving all of your needs. Call us today at 763-550-1205 for an appointment.
We help you live a pain-free, healthier, and more active life by re-engaging your body’s powerful ability to heal itself. By combining leading edge chiropractic innovation with a naturopathic approach, we help you regain your energy and freedom without
Chiropractic Care We use advanced techniques such as Cox Technic to treat spinal conditions and enable your body to heal and function properly. Acupuncture Acupuncture stimulates the body’s immune system and allows blood and energy to flow to the parts of the body that need healing. ...
Natural Healthcare Center is a trusted source of information for our patients and community. Dr. Proodian has been blogging for over a decade.