NATURAL HAZARDS AND PEOPLE GCSE REVISION NATURAL HAZARDS AND PEOPLE Elements to be covered:- What are natural hazards? How can natural hazards be classified? Severity, frequency and duration of natural hazards. Why do rivers flood? Case studies- Bangladesh (LEDC) The Rhine (EU) Why live in a...
Edexcel GCSE Geography Syllabus A Unit A4 (core): The Natural WorldKey Ideas Content Content detail 4.1 Air masses lead to changes in the UK weather • The origins and characteristics of main air masses affecting the UK. • How the air masses influence weather in the UK, and make it...
Natural hazards are sudden, severe event which make the natural environment difficult for humans to manage. They are a hazard if they posse a risk to people but are not classed as a hazard if they happen where people do not live Where they cause high levels of death, injury and damage th...