A process synthesis and global optimization framework is presented to determine the most profitable routes of producing liquid fuels from natural gas through competing technologies. Chemical looping is introduced into the framework for the first time as a natural gas conversion alternative. The underlying...
propaneandbutane. For this reason, associated gas is sometimes called “wet gas.” There are alsoreservoirsthat contain gas and no oil. This gas is termednonassociated gas. Nonassociated gas, coming from reservoirs that are not connected with any known source of liquid petroleum, is “dry gas....
The importance of Ras Laffan to Qatar's natural gas industryVisit Ras Laffan, Qatar, the site of one of the world's largest liquefied natural gas (LNG) export facilities. See all videos for this article LNG is more practical thanliquefied petroleum gasor other liquid gases, particularly for ...
LNG is natural gas that has been cooled to a liquid state at about -162°C (-260°F). This process reduces its volume by around 600 times, making it easier and safer to store and transport. Many of the world’s cities and industries that depend on natural gas for energy are located...
A process and plant for conversion of a feed hydrocarbon stream to liquid hydrocarbon products in a small scale GTL plant, comprising the use of a cryogenic air separation unit (ASU), optionally together with vacuum pressure swing adsorption (VPSA), an autothermal reformer (ATR) or catalytic ...
TRACE 1310 Natural Gas/Liquid AnalyzersPetroleum and natural gas testing workflows Select from a choice of available products according to the process, matrix, application and analyte of interest. UpstreamExploration & Production MidstreamTransportation & Custody Transfer DownstreamRefining, Petrochemical,...
The U.S. has a growing export business in natural gas liquids. Cons NGLs are expensive to handle, store, and transport requiring special trucks, storage, and equipment. NGLs require high pressure or low temperature to maintain their liquid state for shipment. ...
types of liquid or gas service. From critical monitoring of extremely low flow process additives to loss of flow protection in large water or air lines, we can handle most flow switch applications. With no moving parts in these devices, their long-term reliability is assured. Options for hazar...
97/04536 The conversion of natural gas to liquid fuels using the SASOL slurry phase distillate process: Silverman, R. W. and Hill, C. R. Proc., Annu. Conv... Transient emission tests were performed to compare emissions using fuels produced by the Sasol Slurry Phase Distillate Process, to ...
Disclosed herein is a natural gas liquefaction process using a single refrigeration cycle adopting a mixed refrigerant, and therefore having a simple structure and thus a compact sy