Natural Gas Quality StandardsSTATUS: Petitions await FERC action Just when consumers thought they had heard all the bad...Ellig, Jerry
英国天然气标准(BS Natural gas standards)目录 2011-07-21关闭┆打印 编号 中文名称 英文名称 BS 3156-11.0.2-1998 燃气分析.第11部分:天然气.第0节:通则.第2小节:天然气质量命名符号 Analysis of fuel gases - Methods for non-manufactured gases - General - Quality designation for natural gas BS 3156...
美国天然气标准(ANSI Natural gas standards)目录.doc,佛山市三水美丰铝塑复合管有限公司 HYPERLINK / “健康美丰,质量领先”专业生产环保铝塑管,铝塑复合管,天然气铝塑管,燃气铝塑管,铝塑管接头,冷热铝塑管,铝焊管等产品 热烈祝贺佛山市三水美丰铝塑复合管有限公司
ISO TR 17910-2024 Natural gas - Coal-based synthetic natural gas quality designation and the applicability of ISO TC 193 standards 天然气. 以煤为基础的合成天然气质量命名和 ISOTC193标准的适用性.pdf,…眩目…· Technical IL:『 II ...匾,,.. Report ISO/TR 1
ISO_standard_on_natural_gas_released ISO standard on natural gas released AVS3 coding added to ETSI standards on video As a clean and efficient underground energy, natural gas energizes industries and facilitates people’s daily life. Therefore, standards on shale gas mining are important for ...
SY 4200 石油天然气建设工程施工质量验收规范 通则 Code for quality acceptance of oil and gas construction engineering General rule SY 4201.1 石油天然气建设工程施工质量验收规范 设备安装工程 第1部分:机泵类设备 Code for quality acceptance of oil and gas construction engineering Equipment installation engine...
Processing natural gas transforms it from raw into pipeline quality natural gas by removing the condensates, impurities, and contaminants. Processing facilities produce natural gas that meets quality standards set by pipeline transm...
ANSI/NGV 2-2007 压缩天然气车辆(NGV)燃料容器 Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle (NGV) Fuel Containers ANSI/SAE J1616-1994 车辆用压缩天然气燃料推荐实施规程 Recommended Practice for Compressed Natural Gas Vehicle Fuel ASME SPPE-1-1994 海上石油和天然气开发用安全和防污染设备的质量保证和认证 (Quality assu...
EN 1160液化天然气用设备和装置 液化天然气的一般性能Installations and equipment for liquefied natural gas - General characteristics of liquefied natural gas EN 12065液化天然气设备和安装 为产生液化天然气火焰灭火粉末及产生中高膨胀泡沫的泡沫浓缩物的试验Installations and equipment for liquefied natural gas - ...