Welcome to view the price of Natural Gas. This page provides the natural gas price per million Btu and its width of price fluctuation, and also provides natural gas price charts for the past 90 days, 180 days, 1, 2, 5, and 10 years. Similar to other commodity prices, the prices of ...
Natural gas pricesMarch 2024: The world average price is USD 0.074 per kWh for household users and USD 0.065 per kWh for business users. Prices in the U.S. are about USD 0.04 per kWh for households and businesses. Elsewhere, Iran, Algeria, Russia, and several other countries with abundant...
Get Price Sign Up BEST VALUE Fixed Rate per therm ? as low as 65¢ Lock in a fixed natural gas rate. 6 months - 65¢per therm 12 months - 69¢per therm 24 months - 75¢per therm Our current lowest natural gas rate per therm is 65¢. ...
European countries have some of the highest natural gas prices for households worldwide. Natural gas prices for households vary greatly around the world, depending on governmental levies, taxes, as well as local production. In Sweden, prices averaged 0.24 U.S. dollars per kilowatt-hour in Decembe...
Driven in part by anticipated normal winter and summer 2002 weather conditions, the increasing use of natural gas as the primary fuel.for incre-mental power generation and a supply imbalance, Gelber & Associates predicts natural gas prices will increase by over $1 per MMBtu over the next 12 ...
For 2024, Raymond James anticipates higher natural-gas prices, said Molchanov, with its 2024 forecast for Henry Hub natural-gas prices at an average of $4 per thousand cubic feet. A thousand cubic feet is roughly equal to 1 million British thermal units. Hig...
Earlier this month, however, natural gas prices in the United States hit a 13-year high of $8.78 (€8.32) per million British thermal units (MMBTU). Since the beginning of March, prices have risen nearly 90% and the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) — the agency responsible for...
Natural Gas Contract Size 10,000 MMBtu (million British thermal units) Tick Size 0.001 per MMBtu ($10.00 per contract) Trading Hours 5:00p.m. - 4:00p.m. (Sun-Fri) (RTH 8:00a.m. - 1:30p.m.) (Settles 1:30p.m.) CST
First Notice Day: Business day after last trading day. Last Trading Day: One business day before the termination of the underlying futures contract. Trading Hours: Electronic trading: 6:00 PM until 5:15 PM on CME Globex Platform. Daily Limit: $3.00 per mmBtu ($30,000 per contract)Trading...
The natural gas price frenzy in Europe shows no signs of easing. European prices for natural gas exceeded 2,150 U.S. dollars per 1,000 cubic meters on Tuesday for the first time in history, according to Intercontinental Exchange's London clearing house. ...