【英语版】国际标准 ISO 12213-1:2006 EN 天然气 压缩系数的计算 第1部分:导言和指南 Natural gas — Calculation of compression factor — Part 1: Introduction and guidelines.pdf,ISO 12213-1:2006 EN Natural Gas - 压缩系数的计算 - 第1部分:介绍和指南 ISO 12213-
英文名称:Natural gas — Calculation of thermodynamic properties — Part 1: Gas phase properties for transmission and distribution applications 标准状态:现行 发布日期:2005-09-09 文档简介 天然气在输送和分配应用中的气相性质ISO20765是关于天然气热力学性质的标准,特别是涉及到输送和分配应用时的气相性质。这个...
【英语版】国际标准 ISO 6976:2016 EN Natural gas — Calculation of calorific values, density, relative density and Wobbe indices from composition 天然气 根据成分计算热值、密度、相对密度和沃贝指数.pdf,以下文本介绍内容由我方AI生成,信息仅供参考,如有出入,
GB/T 11061 天然气中总硫量的测定氧化微库仑法 Natural gas--Determination of sulfur--Oxidative microculometry method GB/T 11062 天然气发热量、密度、相对密度和沃泊指数的计算方法 Natural gas--Calculation of calorific values,density,relative density and Wobbe index from composition GB/T 12234 石油...
Natural Gas - Calculation Of Calorific Values, Density, Relative Density And Wobbe Index From CompositionSwiss Standards
DIN EN ISO 12213-3天然气.压缩因子的计算.第3部分:用物理特性计算Natural gas - Calculation of compression factor - Part 3: Calculation using physical properties (ISO 12213-3:1997); German version EN ISO 12213-3:2005 DIN EN ISO 13443天然气.标准参比条件(ISO 13443:1996, including Corrigendum 1:...
To observe the long-term trend and the law of price changes, this study compiles each natural gas index based on the FPI calculation method. Here, the base point of each index is set to 1000. 3.1. LNG CIF index (A1) In this study, the LNG CIF index mainly considers the gas prices...
The calculator enables calculation when natural gas is considered as a compressible or incompressible fluid. The calculator also includes a calculation of the pressure drop due to local resistances built into the pipeline - valves and fittings. ...
The calculation for the natural gas equivalent of a barrel of oil is fairly straightforward. As both oil and gas can be measured in Btu, the first step is to convert a barrel of oil. There are standard conversions for both a barrel of oil and 100 cubic feet of natural gas. A standard...