Natural Gas for CarsScientific American Contributors
“We welcome cooperation with Gastec, as it is the largest company working in the field of using natural gas in cars and vehicles in Egypt and has a wide network of natural gas supply stations in various governorates across the republic,” he added. ...
naturalgasavailablethanofpetroleum.Theseresourcesarewelldistributedforaccessfromanyareaoftheworld,meaningthatnatural gascouldoffersupplystability.NaturalgasisalsoproducedasabyproductofLPG(liquefiedpetroleumgas).Incertaincountriesofthe world,agoodnumberofcarsalreadyoperatefuelledbynaturalgasandLPG,anditmaybesaidthatsuch...
6. Isn’t electricity the real future for cleaner cars? Probably, which is why some natural-gas proponents hope only to be a bridge to that future. Under this line of thinking, natural-gas cars and trucks stand a chance to be ascendant over the next 15 or 20 years — a period of ti...
Is Driving a Natural Gas Powered Car a Good Deal?Klaus H. Hemsath
Natural gas cars burn cleaner, cheaper fuel, but that fuel, and the cars themselves, can make life inconvenient.
tation for Vehicles Giant Eagle Opens Natural Gas Fueling Station for VehiclesGiant Eagle Opens Natural Gas Fueling Station for VehiclesPennsylvania could be a leader in using natural gas to power carsand trucks, the secretary of...By Nixon
Natural Gas Cars: The Pros There are two types of CNG vehicles —Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)andCompressed Natural Gas (CNG).Both are fuel-efficient vehicles that burn low-emissions fuel that’s better for the environment than petroleum-based fuels. They aren’t expensive to build and don’t...
Naturalgas Vehicles Kermit the Frog once said, "It"s not that easy being green." Although he wasn"t referring to cars, his observation seems particularly appropriate for the auto industry today: Designing, developing and marketing "green" cars has not been an easy task, which is why ...
Compared to gasoline-powered cars, the natural-gas vehicles possess the unparalleled benefit of ___. A. reduction in carbon monoxide emissions B. reduction in emissions of oxides of nitrogen C. reduction in particulate matter 10 D. reduction in E. nvironmentally harmful emissions 相关...