Texstar Natural Gas is a Texas-based natural gas company offering a wide range of refined petroleum products since 1985. Learn more.
Texas. The company was founded in 1882, when it was incorporated in New Jersey. Its primary business is the exploration and production of crude oil and natural gas, as well as the manufacturing, trade, transportation, and sale of crude oil, natural gas, petroleum products, and petrochemicals...
customer care Pay Your Bill Refer A Friend Historical Pricing Power Outage Our Company About YEP Energy Company News Careers The Facts Key to Your Bill Electricity Glossary Energy Tips Gas Safety FAQs Contact Us Phone: 866.937.5937 Fax: 866.577.0423 Email: Customer.Care@YepTexas.com...
MIDLAND, Texas (Reuters) - A new pipeline carrying shale natural gas from west Texas toward export hubs on the U.S. Gulf Coast has eased constraints that crashed local prices this year, and will help pave the way for higher U.S. oil production, energy executi...
Antosh, Nelson
Texican Natural Gas Company is a proud supplier of natural gas products and serivces, serving the Georgia, North and South Carolina, Texas, Ohio and Alabama. Texican is a leading natural gas marketer of industrial and commercial gas services to municipal
Natural Gas Pipeline Company of America (Texas).Sultan, Michael
With Spark Energy, you get electricity and natural gas plans from a proven company you can trust. Spark Energy was founded in 1999 in Houston, Texas — the energy capital of the world — and used its expertise to become one of the pioneers of the retail energy industry. Since then, we’...
Residential Service West Texas Gas supplies natural gas to residential customers in Texas and Oklahoma. Inquire today! Start Service Commercial Service Interested in setting up commercial natural gas service with West Texas Gas? Inquire today! Start Service Serving...
Texas relies on natural gas more than any other fuel for its electricity generation “When we think about what’s been going on in the last week and why it’s turned the market completely on its head is the fact that the freeze offs are occurring in Texas,” says Erika Coombs, director...