Natural-gas vehicles hot in Utah, where the fuel is cheapPAUL FOY
Also found in: Thesaurus, Legal, Financial, Encyclopedia. Related to Natural gas utility: Utility companiespublic utility n. A private business organization, subject to governmental regulation, that provides an essential commodity or service, such as water, electricity, transportation, or communication,...
Sempra Energy was created in 1998 by a merger of parent companies of two long-established, and highly respected, investor-owned utilities -- Los Angeles-based Pacific Enterprises, the parent company of Southern California Gas Co., and Enova Corporation, the parent company of San Diego Gas & El...
The company says the increase is necessary to cover the changes in the cost of purchasing natural gas for customers in Utah. They say "no markup" is made and it does not impact their profit margin. "As a result, we're paying more for the market gas we purchase for our customers during...
naturally occurring hydrogen has gained research and public interest, especially after the publication of the article "Hidden Hydrogen" (Hand, 2023), which resulted in the recent increase in the number of start-up companies, funding opportunities and research groups, and in the current data explosio...
Oberbeck, Steven
"I think the market is enormous," said Sergii Gerasymovych, CEO of EZ Blockchain, which has six different data centers powered off natural gas in the US states of Utah and New Mexico, as well as in Canada. Across the country, companies like EZ Blockchain are setting up shipping containe...
Some natural gas fields in the United States have enough helium mingled with the gas that it can be extracted at an economical cost. In some of these fields, the natural gas contains over 7% helium by volume. Companies that drill for natural gas in these fields produce the natural gas, pr...
(1989) included this type of demand uncertainty in her model and showed how competitive owners of helium-rich natural gas reserves could choose to conserve both resources underground in anticipation of far greater returns to extracting the joint resource after a jump in the price of helium (owing...
The rig count page contains details about the crude oil and natural gas drilling rigs in the United States. The numbers, released by the EIA, can give an idea of the total number of rigs in operation, active rigs, rigs by site, and rigs by product type. ...