Pantechs Laboratories specializes in Natural Gas Testing, NGL & LNG Testing, and Crude Oil Testing. We are the premier oil and natural gas laboratory for West Texas, Permian Basin, Texas Panhandle, and Eastern New Mexico.
In support of its application at the Texas PUC for CCNs to build and own about 1,200 MW of new gas-fired generation (Dispatchable Portfolio), Entergy Texas, Inc. (ETI) addressed whether the new generation would impact any potential transition to retail competition in its service area Click...
(Laredo, Brownsville, Lubbock, Starr, Hidalgo) India Assam, Kerala Event Floods caused by heavy rains; roads, infrastructure and 10 000 houses damaged Floods and mudslides caused by heavy rain; 70 bridges, roads, infrastructure, 10 000 hectares of farmland destroyed Floods caused by heavy rain;...