OverviewMarket coverageLatest newsSpotlight contentExplore our gas and power productsKey price assessments 概览 天然气及电力是支撑所有主要经济活动的不可或缺的能源,获得可靠的相关市场信息、数据和价格,对企业做出更加明智的商业决策至关重要。 阿格斯的市场专家团队提供独立可靠的价格评估、指数、市场数据及深入分析...
In a number of important ways, the natural gas industry differs from the oil industry. The physical and chemical differences between gas and oil mean that the storage, handling and transportation of gas are much more challenging compared to oil. The consequences of this are a less flexible ...
LNG carrier The higher and lower heating values of methane are 55,530 kJ/kg and 50,050 kJ/kg, respectively. The heating value of natural gas depends mainly on the fraction of methane. The higher is the methane fraction, the higher is the heating value. Natural gas is commonly approximated...
The leading platform on natural gas news, LNG News, decarbonisation news and analysis on natural gas matters. Essential, accurate and reliable insight into the world of natural gas.
Weekly Trend of Natural Gas and LNG Prices LNG inventories in Japan and South Korea fell due to increased domestic demand for electricity in the heat wave. According to a 2 August METI release, Japan’s LNG inventories for power generation totaled 1.93 million tonnes as of 30 July, down ...
中国LNG利用 LNG(Liquefied Natural Gas),即液化天然气的英文缩写。天然气是在气田中自然开采出来的可燃气体,主要由甲烷构成。LNG是通过在常压下气态的天然气冷却至-162℃,使之凝结成液体。天然气液化后可以大大节约储运空间,而且具有热值大、性能高等特点。 LNG是一种清洁、高效的能源。由于进口LNG有助于能源消费国...
预览播放中,打开优酷APP看高清完整版 LNG-液化天然气工业 LNG - Natural Gas Industry Tutorial +追 超清画质 评论 收藏 下载 分享 选集 13:55 solidworks软件绘制压缩机叶轮How to draw a turbo compressor wheel in solidworks 2017-05-05 161:26 离心压缩机讲座- 印度理工Kharagpur学院 2017-04-13 07:24 离...
The leading platform on natural gas news, LNG News, decarbonisation news and analysis on natural gas matters. Essential, accurate and reliable insight into the world of natural gas.
LNG不是液化石油气(LPG)或天然气液体(NGL),LNG是冷却到-160℃后呈液态的天然气。 油/气田产生的天然气经过除液、除酸、干燥、分馏、低温冷凝形成,体积缩小为原来的1/600。 气化后比空气轻。 保持常压。 无色、无嗅、无毒。 低温存储。 可根据需求加热和气化。
Liquefied Natural Gas – or “LNG” – is natural gas in liquid form. Natural gas is a naturally occurring hydrocarbon gas mixture consisting primarily of methane. It is colorless and odorless in its natural state and is the cleanest burning fossil fuel. ...